Dream Journey Studio has designed a workshop for adults to have the atmosphere to help you become your own dreamsmith by revealing who you are and discovering your path to your “North Star”. What is your “North Star”? It’s basically the place where you are fully realized, walking out your dreams to their fullest potential and living from a place of abundance and joy.
Through a visual creative project we engage our right brain and later our left brain, as we ask you to go on a journey that will reveal purpose and release permission to activate the desires of your heart and impact you were meant to bring to the world around you. During the process the fog will dissipate and you will see a clearer vision for your life you have perhaps forgotten or have not seen before, even solutions to the hindrances keeping you from moving forward will come easier. The time is perfect to have a tangible component – a Dream Journey Book* to reflect the person, the passions and the path to your North Star. It begins here…
Per individual - $45.00
Groups up to 5 - $65.00 each
Groups of 6 or more - $85.00 each
Supplies to bring: scissors and any magazines, catalogs, images and postcards that are okay to cut up
Supplies provided: Journal books, glue and extra magazines
Location: anywhere there is room enough to create a “studio”.
Additional fees: travel for 45 minute+ is $50.00
*Please note that the workshop will cover the collage part of the book (right-brain side). There will be instructions given on how to complete the back side (left-brain) part of the book.