Lauren Hanna
"When Kristina first introduced the idea of the vision book I was absolutely ecstatic. I work in the creative world all the time - I'm a music composer - and so that part is down pat, but putting my goals and visions down on paper is not something that I do usually. Not because I don't want to, but because it's not fun. This was so different. There was something so soothing and fun about cutting out different magazine slogans/words/pictures that jumped out at me, and putting my vision board together. I was shocked as to just how many applied to my life. Since then I carry it wherever I go - literally, it is in my purse, if my purse is too small I'll put it in my car while I'm out and about. It's so encouraging to look at. If I'm having a rough day it is especially helpful to look at. I get so encouraged by the truths I see declared over my life, and my vision gets shifted from the little problem that's bugging me to the big picture that God has in store for me. It instantly lifts my spirits. This is a great way to remind yourself of the gifts God has given you, as well as the destiny you are meant to walk out. I am constantly encouraged to achieve my goals when I look at this, and it has actually helped me to become even more creative and dream even bigger than I ever had before. I have and will continue to recommend to everyone to do something like this. I, personally, will be doing it once a year from now on!"
Rae Lynn Johnson
"Creating vision boards with Kristina was a profoundly defining experience. Dreams and desires that had danced in my mind leapt into a tangible reality that I could see and share with others. Sharing the vision boards and receiving such positive affirmation was powerful and motivating. The vision board was also a wonderful journey of discovery, connecting themes in my dreams and goals I had not recognized. I was so inspired, I had my entire family create vision boards together. It was an experience we will always treasure."
Soraya Rondon
"I wanted to take a second to tell you what would probably take a long time to fully express. As you know, I recently completed my vision board, and the experience was so beyond my imagination. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical, because i have done my own vision board; in fact, I had one right in front of me in my office. Before doing the board, I thought it was just a nice exercise in identity defining, and a great chance to have a more visual, handheld version of my board. Well, was I in for a great surprise! From the moment we began to collect the words, phrases, and graphics, I felt my heart guided by the images, vs. my own preconceived notions of who I am. The words that jumped out to me had nothing to do with what I would have chosen for myself, thus the true inner part of me was revealed and released in this fun process. I started to place the pictures on my accordion file, and though, at first, I felt like I just was doing it wrong, it soon became a serious journey: A real tapestry of ME. I could not believe how precise this little book described my thoughts, my dreams, and my personality, as GOD sees me, not as I see myself. But wait, there's more! lol. I still did not want to do the final part of my vision board, the dreaded presentation. Once I knew how revealing this was, I felt like it would not make sense to anyone else... Still, I was already so encouraged by the process, that I proceeded to show my group each page of my book in my presentation. What a revelation that was!!! Hearing myself describe ME as I am "written" in the board, brought me even closer to a deeper understanding of who I am and more importantly, who GOD says I am. It was a wonderful experience; and I do wish I had more time to really go into specific details, but as you know, it was a very deep and personal moment. AMAZING! The word cathartic was repeated in many conversations as I described this experience to family and friends. The freedom, revelation, encouragement, empowering, that occurred as I worked on my vision book, from beginning to end, totally LAUNCHED me into the effective woman I want to be in my business, community, and family relations. Thank you Kristina, for guiding me through this process. It has yet to yield more fruit, and I can’t wait to see what happens next in both our business ventures."
Kimiya DeRuiter
"Creating my own Dream Journey Book has had a profound rippling impact on my focus, my purpose and my Artrepreneurial endeavors. While clipping & pasting pictures and words from magazines that have jumped out at me and resonated with my core, it was as if I was intuitively and subconsciously creating a mirror. While getting caught up in the fun of randomly collaging things that excited me, I didn't realize that I was really gathering a snap shot that would be an effective tool in helping stay grounded and focused as I adventure down this path of journeying into my destiny. Life can get blurry when you have mud on your hands and paint in your hair. Coming to road blocks can stultify creativity. Creating this mirror has on several occasions reflected back to me who I really am and what's really important in moving forward. The pages of my Dream Journey Book, as humble and childlike as they seem, have often been my trusted board of directors and my bumper pads, helping me stay On Track with my values, visions, objectives and purpose. This has translated into more productivity and it has fueled my passion so as to help me hurdle over those puny road blocks. May we all never forget to LIVE OUT our Dreams. To quote a line from Braveheart (said in a Scottish brogue of course), "Your heart is free, may you have the courage to follow it."
Sarah Shin
"I had a great opportunity to host Kristina’s Dream Journey book workshop at my art studio. I had 10 students between 10 to 16 years old participated for Dream Journey workshop. It was a really fun process. All students loved to look through different magazines to find pictures and words. As they went through few magazine, some of them seriously focused on their books and they all wanted more time to spend on it. After they made a lay out of the pictures and words, they all loved their book. As they were presenting their books and getting input about the choice of pictures and words from Kristina and all others, they realized how their books reflected who they are, what they like to do, the value for them and so on. It was the most amazing discovery process for them to find who they are truly. Especially, after Kristina’s input, some students learned to find treasure in other’s book and spoke to them. Their eyes were sparkling and their hearts lit up by hearing what their friends’ discovered about them. It influenced the relationship among the students. They learned about each other and appreciated about who they are. All the students loved the workshop and Kristina was amazing to lead this workshop with kindness, peace, and wisdom. It impacted each students so much. I love to host another Dream Journey workshop for another time!"
Priscilla Hervey
"I organized this workshop as an opportunity for the LEADers in my organization to help them get a clearer vision of the direction the Lord is leading them in their lives.
I rarely consider myself a "right-brain" person, but always desiring to allow that part of me to express itself. The process was amazing at every level, and I just prayed to allow God to reveal whatever it was that He wanted me to see in my dream book. I trusted the different parts and quickly glued my photos and words in the book just as it was when I initially laid it out so I wouldn't "analyze" it. It was so beautiful and it overflowed with a voice that was echoed by the ladies who participated alongside me. The words of life and encouragement spoke so deep in my spirit, that I have been holding on to my book and thanking the Lord for His revelation. My book reflected my "why, " which is something I have been asking the Lord to reveal to me. The Holy Spirit used them to speak into my life, and I am grateful for it! Thank you, Kristina Brace and Dream Journey Studio for this opportunity. I can't wait to share and do more books!"
Priscilla Hervey, M.Ed., LSH, CRTS, CI, CHC
Owner, Healthy Connecting, LLC

Please take a moment to read about what people are saying about the Dream Journey Studio…

Will Roberts
After meeting Kristina, I was so excited to be a part of the Dream Journey Studio Workshop and make my own dream journey book. I must say that the experience totally exceeded my expectations! I would consider myself a balanced person...understanding the importance of engaging the right and left sides of my brain. However, working with Kristina took this collaboration of "logic" and "creativity" to a whole new level! I gained a new understanding of how God created my spirit to lead the way for my body and soul and to bring them into perfect alignment with the way He created me. How cool! I want to add that my favorite part of the workshop was presenting my journal to the group and having them speak words of encouragement over me. It was truly touching to have others join me in believing for the fulfillment of my destiny. What a blessing! I highly recommend working with Kristina and the Dream Journey Studio. Your life will never be the same!